Only stories will feed the Beast! A giant monster invades the 25th century, killing millions. The only thing that calms it is stories. It’s been contained within the Manor, a country estate. The Master, ruler of future Earth, is the only person the Beast will let read...
A baby that never ages proves wily beyond his years in I’m Gonna Crawl. Bob has a startling – and slimy – encounter with the Beast. The Master does some 21st century fund-raising, drawing the attention of a powerful CEO.Listen to Episode 2 on...
What if you could drive people like drones? Wasted Washington creeper Congressman Steven Guthrie discovers exactly what that might be like in I Smell Burning Hair. Plus the Master takes a swim, and Bob gets a history lesson. Listen to Episode 3 on...
A forgotten song by an obscure musician is the post-apocalypse’s greatest hit in Billy Mill, a story that imagines the last rock band on Earth. Bob goes to the library, while the Master finds harsh times in the 21st century. Listen to Episode 4 on...
Backpackers battle bloodthirsty spirits on a remote Thai island in Who’ll Stop Lorraine? Bob learns about 25th century relationships. The Master convinces people he’s telling the truth – the hard way. Listen Episode 5 on...
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